Tips For A Healthy Heart

 Your heart works 24 hours round the clock. It pumps blood and oxygen for all the organs to function healthily. Any disruption in this process will result in severe complications such as plaque formation in the ligaments, heart attack, stroke, blockage in the arteries, and death. Taking care of your heart is the best way to prevent such incidents, which we will discuss in this blog. But, if you are already suffering from heart disease, make a visit to Punechelation for a non-surgical heart treatment and rehabilitation program.

What causes heart disease?

High cholesterol:

Not all cholesterol is bad. Some cholesterol types are responsible for producing vitamin D and a few hormones, such as estrogen in women and testosterone in men, which helps with effective digestion.

When the cholesterol level exceeds the standard reading, which is 170mg/dl, it's time to make some lifestyle changes.  Follow these tips to balance your cholesterol levels:

·        Walk or run for at least 15-30 minutes daily.

·        Be active

·        Eat healthy fruits and vegetables.

·        Avoid eating processed food and junk foods.

·        Quit smoking

·        Avoid places where people smoke, as it is more harmful to non-smokers.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension refers to a process in which the blood flowing against the walls of your arteries gets abnormally high. The sudden increase in blood pressure may lead to severe health complications such as kidney failure, organ damage, erectile dysfunction, chest pain, memory loss, and heart attack. A regular check-up of your blood pressure is the ultimate solution to prevent such diseases and health conditions.

How to Prevent High Blood Pressure?

Follow these tips to keep your blood sugar levels in check:

·        Lose Weight: If you are overweight or suffering from obesity, indulge in weight-loss activities to improve your body's blood supply.

·        Manage Stress Levels: To manage your stress levels, meditate, practice yoga, eat healthily, and sleep for at least 6-7 hours. Also, spend more time with family and friends to maintain a work-life balance.

·        Avoid Alcohol, cigarettes, and tobacco: Second-hand smoke is also injurious to health. Sitting next to a smoker will cause more damage to your heart and lungs than the person smoking.

·        Less Salt Consumption: Most of the salt doesn't come from the salt packet but the processed and junk foods. Try to eat 1,500mg salt per day to maintain a healthy sodium level in your body.

How to Prevent Heart Disease?

·        Go for a regular check-up of your heart once a year

·        Watch out for your blood, cholesterol, and sugar levels.

·        If you are under medication for cholesterol, heart disease, surgery, or diabetes, don't skip any medicines

·        Eat plenty of fibers from grains, pulses, beans, and fresh fruits

To learn more about heart health, you can visit Punechelation where we provide heart treatment without surgery for the patient's overall well-being.





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