6 Paramount Steps Towards A Healthy & Joyful Living In The 21st Century - by Dr Jyotsna Patil
Our cultural beliefs teach us to spend more time nurturing our kids, so they spend more time nurturing us in old age. But I’d rather modify this belief to say that one should spend more time nurturing their body so that it nurtures your wellbeing in old age. From the moment we become self-aware and sensible of our surroundings, we start setting our materialistic goals. Starting with an A-grade degree, to a high-paying job, to a loving spouse, to a spacious house, to kids, and other expensive accessories, we spend our adulthood rushing through time. Until one day, an unforeseen pain in the left hand, or back, or the jaw, sets in and turns out to be a heart attack. The primary reason one suffers from a cardiovascular disorder is the stiffening of the arteries to the heart . Here, we’ll discuss some factors which are the leading reasons behind this problem, followed by some guidelines that’ll help you prevent such problems in the long run. Consider an example of a rubber pipe. If left out...